Market Sizing

Defining and Calculating SOM: Pinpoint Your Immediate Market Potential

Learn how to calculate your Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) and why it’s crucial for setting achievable goals and driving immediate business growth.

In the realm of market analysis, understanding your immediate potential is crucial for driving tangible results. This is where SOM, or Serviceable Obtainable Market, comes into play. While TAM and SAM paint the big picture, SOM zeroes in on your realistic, short-term market capture. 

But what exactly is SOM, and how do you calculate it? Let's delve into this critical metric that's reshaping how businesses set actionable goals and strategies.

Decoding SOM: Your Immediate Market Opportunity

SOM, or Serviceable Obtainable Market, represents the portion of your Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM) that you can realistically capture in the short to medium term. It's the answer to the question: "Given our current resources and competition, what market share can we actually secure?"

While TAM and SAM provide broader context, SOM offers immediate, actionable insights:

      • TAM (Total Addressable Market): The entire market demand for a product or service.
      • SAM (Serviceable Addressable Market): The segment of TAM that you can target after some exclusions are applied. This is a a more realistic number.
      • SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market): The portion of SAM you can capture in the near term.

Understanding SOM helps businesses move from theoretical possibilities to practical, achievable targets.

The Strategic Importance of SOM

Calculating SOM isn't just about narrowing your focus – it's about creating actionable strategies. Here's why SOM matters:

1. Realistic Goal Setting

SOM provides a foundation for setting achievable sales targets and growth projections.

2. Resource Optimization

It helps allocate resources efficiently, focusing on the most attainable market segments.

3. Performance Benchmarking

SOM serves as a yardstick for measuring your market penetration and success.

4. Investor Communication

A well-defined SOM demonstrates to investors that you have a clear, achievable path to revenue and growth.

Calculating Your SOM: Methods and Approaches

Determining your SOM requires a blend of market analysis, competitive assessment, and honest evaluation of your capabilities. Here are three approaches to consider:

Market Share Analysis:

      • Analyze the current market share of competitors in your space.
      • Assess your competitive advantages and disadvantages.
      • Estimate the market share you can realistically capture.

Sales Funnel Approach:

      • Start with your SAM figure.
      • Apply conversion rates based on your sales funnel data.
      • Factor in your sales and marketing capacity.

Bottoms-Up Forecasting:

      • Estimate sales based on your current capacity and resources.
      • Consider factors like sales cycle length, close rates, and average deal size.
      • Project this over your chosen time frame (e.g., 12-24 months).

SOM in Action: Real-World Examples

Let's explore how SOM applies in different business contexts:


A new CRM software company might calculate its SOM by estimating the number of businesses it can realistically onboard in the next year, considering factors like sales team size and marketing budget.


A project management tool startup might determine its SOM by projecting user acquisition based on current growth rates, marketing spend, and competitor analysis.

Niche Market SOM

A specialized e-commerce platform for artisanal foods might calculate its SOM by estimating the number of vendors it can onboard and the subsequent customer base it can attract in the coming year.

Navigating SOM Challenges

While SOM provides valuable focus, it comes with its own set of challenges:

      • Overoptimism: Be cautious about overestimating your ability to capture market share, especially in competitive markets.
      • Changing Market Dynamics: SOM can fluctuate with market trends and competitive pressures. Regular reassessment is key.
      • Resource Constraints: Your SOM calculation must accurately reflect your current capabilities and resources.

Leveraging SOM for Strategic Success

Understanding and calculating your Serviceable Obtainable Market is about translating market potential into actionable plans. It bridges the gap between your broader market opportunity (SAM) and your immediate reality.

By mastering SOM analysis, you're not just refining your market perspective – you're creating a roadmap for immediate growth. It allows you to set realistic goals, allocate resources effectively, and measure your success in penetrating your target market.

Whether you're a startup looking to gain your first customers or an established company entering new markets, SOM provides the focused perspective needed to drive tangible results. So, analyze your capabilities, assess your competition, and let SOM guide you to achievable, measurable success in your market niche.

Remember, while TAM inspires vision and SAM refines focus, SOM turns potential into performance. It's time to transform your market analysis into market action.


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