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How to Find TAM, SAM, and SOM: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by Chris Doty | Aug 7, 2024 1:30:51 AM


Understanding your market potential is crucial for any business strategy. This guide will walk you through the process of calculating TAM (Total Addressable Market), SAM (Serviceable Addressable Market), and SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market). While this process can be complex, following these steps will help you gain valuable insights into your market opportunity.

Step 1: Define Your Market

Before diving into calculations, clearly define your product or service and its target market. Consider:

  • Who are your potential customers?
  • What problem does your product solve?
  • What alternatives exist in the market?

Step 2: Calculate TAM

TAM represents the total market demand for your product or service. There are two main approaches:

Top-Down Approach:

  1. Start with broad market research data from reputable sources.
  2. Identify the total market size for your industry.
  3. Narrow down to your specific product category.
  4. Apply relevant filters (e.g., geographic restrictions, customer segments).

Example: Global software market → Enterprise software → CRM software → Cloud-based CRM

Bottom-Up Approach:

  1. Identify your total potential customer base.
  2. Determine the average revenue per customer.
  3. Multiply these figures: TAM = Total Potential Customers × Average Revenue per Customer

Example: 1 million potential customers × $1,000 average revenue = $1 billion TAM

Tip: Use both approaches and compare results for a more accurate estimate.

Step 3: Determine SAM

SAM is the portion of TAM that your company can realistically target with its current capabilities.

  1. Start with your TAM figure.
  2. Apply filters based on your business model, such as:
    • Geographic reach
    • Product features
    • Target customer segments
    • Pricing strategy
  3. Estimate the percentage of TAM that fits these criteria.
  4. Calculate: SAM = TAM × Percentage of Addressable Market

Example: If your cloud-based CRM targets small businesses in North America, and this segment represents 20% of the global CRM market, your SAM would be 20% of your TAM.

Step 4: Estimate SOM

SOM represents the portion of SAM you can realistically capture in the short to medium term.

  1. Analyze your current market share (if applicable).
  2. Assess competitive landscape and your company's advantages.
  3. Consider your resources and capacity for growth.
  4. Estimate a realistic market share percentage.
  5. Calculate: SOM = SAM × Estimated Market Share Percentage

Example: If you estimate you can capture 5% of your SAM in the next 3 years, your SOM would be 5% of your SAM figure.

Step 5: Validate Your Calculations

To ensure accuracy:

  1. Compare your results with industry benchmarks and competitor data.
  2. Consult with industry experts or advisors.
  3. Use multiple data sources to cross-verify your estimates.

Step 6: Consider Growth Factors

Market sizing isn't static. Consider factors that might influence future growth:

  • Market trends and projections
  • Technological advancements
  • Regulatory changes
  • Economic factors

Step 7: Document Your Methodology

Clearly document your sources, assumptions, and calculations. This will help you:

  • Explain your reasoning to stakeholders
  • Easily update your figures as market conditions change
  • Identify areas for refinement in future analyses

Step 8: Regularly Reassess

Market conditions change rapidly. Set a schedule to regularly review and update your TAM, SAM, and SOM calculations.

Advanced Considerations:

  1. Value Theory Approach: For innovative products, estimate the value your solution provides and multiply by the number of potential customers.
  2. Scenario Analysis: Develop multiple TAM/SAM/SOM scenarios based on different assumptions to account for market uncertainties.
  3. Segmentation: Break down your TAM, SAM, and SOM by customer segments, geographies, or product lines for more granular insights.
  4. Competitive Displacement: Consider how much market share you need to displace from competitors to achieve your SOM.

While this guide provides a structured approach to finding TAM, SAM, and SOM, the process can be complex and time-consuming. It requires access to reliable market data, deep industry knowledge, and analytical expertise. Many businesses find value in partnering with market research professionals or specialized consultancies to ensure accuracy and save time.

Remember, the goal of this exercise isn't just to arrive at numbers, but to gain actionable insights that drive strategic decisions. Whether you tackle this in-house or seek expert assistance, understanding your TAM, SAM, and SOM is a crucial step in charting your path to market success.

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