Market Sizing

Case Study: Strategic Market Expansion with Olympus Intel

Olympus Intel helps an investment firm smartly expand their portfolio into a new market industry.

"Ben", the CEO of a mid-sized investment firm, was keen on expanding his company’s portfolio into the rapidly growing climate tech sector. Aware of the immense potential but uncertain about where to focus the firm's resources, Ben needed precise market data to make informed decisions. He asked his team to find some additional resources to help the firm make this decision. They turned to Olympus Intel to simplify this complex task. Using the platform’s Pre-Defined Segment Selection, Ben's team found “Utilities” and “Green Utilities” as good target market segments representing Ben's interests in climate tech. The intuitive interface guided allowed them to vet revenue models of several firms they were in due dilligence with, assessing the expectations those companies had for their potential revenue and market size ocmpared to what they believed several different scenarious could actully lead to. 

With Olympus Intel’s powerful analytics, Ben's team quickly delivered detailed insights on the Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Available Market (SAM), and Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) for many of the investment opportunity Ben had expressed interest in. The platform’s visualizations allowed them to easily interpret and narrate the data to the executive team. In the presentation, the analyst team pulled information for the number of firms, establishments, employees, and annual payroll figures at both national and state levels that their potential investments could target. This granular information empowered Ben to identify key regions with high growth potential and minimal competition.

By leveraging Olympus Intel, Ben and his team bypassed the need for an expensive market analysis project, saving time and resources while confidently expanding   his portfolio into the growing climate tech sector.

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